Sunday, October 31, 2010

Four perfectly round circles


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Friday, October 29, 2010

This set off a 10 minute giggling fit.

Christopher Stewart

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Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Robotic sign wavers: $1,595

Creepy or neat? Bet I could make that.


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via Boing Boing by Mark Frauenfelder on 10/20/10


The stuff of nightmares. Be sure to watch the video at the site for full effect.

We offer you a unique, cost effective way of grabbing the attention of passing motorists, bringing you potential customers. Your motorized mannequin will wave your message cheerfully all day, with NO breaks in the action. These fully self-contained mannequins are engineered with industrial products for years of service.

You may select your robot from a variety of standard characters or specify your own mascot or costume. Also available are models with lighting and music or voice messages.

Robotic sign wavers (Thanks, Gary!)


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No Boy Scouts.

Christopher Stewart

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Alternative lifestyles; not exclusive to humans.

hee hee hee


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via Nick Holmes... on 10/19/10

Alternative lifestyles; not exclusive to humans.


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Monday, October 25, 2010

How To Win:



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via Nick Holmes... on 10/19/10

How To Win:


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Friday, October 22, 2010 - Get Ready To Say Goodbye To Windows XP

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Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Scrapers dig deep for data on the Web



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via FlowingData by Nathan Yau on 10/17/10

In their continuation of what online marketers know about you, the Wall Street Journal reports on groups scraping pages and services to reveal identities and link pseudonyms to real names. "Social networks are becoming the new public records." My rule of thumb: if I put anything on the Web, I'm assuming it's public.


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Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Lottery Simulator

Christopher Stewart

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Monday, October 18, 2010

WOW: Japanese precision


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Stunning animated book papercraft


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via MAKE Magazine by Gareth Branwyn on 10/13/10

Via DudeCraft comes this amazing piece of stop-motion animation (papercraft with lots of Photoshop support? All-digital faux papercraft?), done by Andersen M Studios for the New Zealand Book Council. It's cool however it was accomplished.

Anderson M Studios

Read the Full Story » | More on MAKE » | Comments » | Read more articles in Paper Crafts | Digg this!


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Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Powers of Ten


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via mental_floss Blog by Chris Higgins on 10/13/10

I've written about "Power of Ten" before, but the videos have been taken down due to copyright claims by the owners. Finally, the Eames Office has an official YouTube channel (albeit with only one video for now) hosting a version that will not be taken down. If you haven't seen this classic film from 1977, please take a few minutes to enjoy it. Here's what I wrote in 2009 about a (now taken-down) YouTube clip of the film:

If you've never seen the classic short "Powers of Ten," I've got a treat for you. Created in 1968 for IBM by Charles and Ray Eames (yes, of Eames Chair fame), the film has a very simple premise: start at a static scene, then start zooming out, at one "power of ten" per ten seconds — for example, from 102 meters to 103 meters. As we zoom out, we see the earth, the solar system, the galaxy, and so forth. Once we reach 1024 meters (the size of the observable universe), the camera then begins a faster zoom-in…and goes beyond the original scene, into the microscopic scale and beyond.

For me, "Powers of Ten" is an educational touchstone — it's a film I was shown several times in science classrooms, and to this day, I find it captivating in its simplicity and power. All you do is zoom way out and zoom way in — the universe is just a matter of perspective.

For more, check out "Powers of Ten" on Wikipedia, and the official "Powers of Ten" website. Also check this competition to create a companion video for Powers of Ten, sponsored by design blog Core77, the Eames Office, and Herman Miller.

(Thanks to for pointing to the original YouTube clip, and again for pointing out the new, official version!)


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Gravity is the law.

Open new Chrome or Firefox smaller window (not maximized).


Move the window.

Christopher Stewart

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Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Fwd: How to Degauss a Cat

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Flights and Fancy: How to Degauss a Cat | Flight Today | Air & Space Magazine*

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Monday, October 11, 2010

Aquatic disenchantment. 


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via Nick Holmes... on 10/10/10

Aquatic disenchantment. 


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Saturday, October 9, 2010


Christopher Stewart

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Thursday, October 7, 2010


Facts About Halloween

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Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Jersey Shore - it’s a plague.  Protect your children. 



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via Nick Holmes... on 9/29/10

Jersey Shore - it's a plague.  Protect your children. 


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Friday, October 1, 2010

GIF: O Hai, Rat Frend!



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Favorite YouTube Videos