Friday, May 28, 2010

Full Moon in Sagittarius

[NOTE:  This heralds the opportunity for some new, more pleasant times... good stuff is in bold below :)

May 27, 2010 Full Moon in Sagittarius at 4:08 p.m. PDT: This is a powerfully important Full Moon marking a time when Uranus, the planet of revolution, radical change and innovation moves into the sign of Aries, the sign of impulsive action. Uranus hasn't been in the sign of Aries for eight-four years 1927-1935.

The vision we can hope to herald in (or illuminate) this full moon since the Sun is in Gemini and the Moon is in Sagittarius is the idea (Gemini) that we can maintain wider and inclusive (all religions, cultures and persuasions) perspective (Sagittarius) as we imagine the new world we need to create. It has become painfully and potently clear that the old structures  are not working and are gradually being dismantled (Pluto in Capricorn since January 2008.).  With Uranus now in Aries some of the dismantling or transformation will come by the way of potentially violent changes. Our hope also may be to exercise creative innovation change rather than reacting with anger and violence to what we find no longer tolerable in our old structures.

In a few days (May 30th) Saturn turns direct and moves back into the sign of Libra later this summer. Libra is the sign of relationships and harmony. With Saturn in Libra our assignment from the cosmos is to manifesting creative collaboration. Our collaboration and cooperation with each other and nature is essential in these powerful changing times.

Full moon in Sagittarius opposing the sun in Gemini is a time of celebration and ceremony.  So bang your gongs and make large noises celebrating our potential to be the inventive alchemists (Gemini) who respect and acknowledge her/his opposite Sagittarius the explorer and philosopher.  Together they dance the dance of opposites and meet in the middle in creative cooperation to create new ideas for exciting new ways of being in the world.

Happy Full Moon in Sagittarius!!!

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