Monday, December 20, 2010

2010 in Review: Teh Best in Lolz


Sent to you by Chris via Google Reader:


funny pictures of cats with captions

January is teh start of sumfin speshul…

O Hai, Cheez Frendz! Fanks fer hangin owt wiff us awl week n revyooin' teh yeer dat waz. We finish dis series wiff a lewk back at UR lolz, teh hart n soul of dis site. We has chosen, based awn faeboritz n votes, 1 lol from each month n sew is kinda a lol-endar of teh yeer. Fanks agin fer maykin us laff all yeer!

Funny Pictures
February iz awl abowt lubz!

Funny Pictures
March kums in lyk a lion, n owt lyk a lamb..

Clik fru 2 see teh lolz frum teh rest ob teh yeer!

Funny Pictures
April Foolz!

Funny Pictures
Did u celebrayt Cinco de Mayo?

Funny Pictures
June iz teh start ob summerz, wen we begin habin teh reel funz!

Funny Pictures
No, teh July heet izn't maykin ya hallusinate…Dere iz an awful lawt of adorabul ebil in dis pikshur!

Funny Pictures
Dese August kittehz is mebbe scared ob Justin Bieber…or mebbe dey is dreadin goin bak 2 skool!

Funny Pictures
Oof, wut an exhawstin summer! September iz a gud tym fer nappin!

Funny Pictures
Iz October, wich meens Happeh Meowloween!

Funny Pictures
November, or az we lyk 2 cawl it: Nomvember!

Funny Pictures
December iz a magikul tym ob yeer, full ob holidayz…n moar nomz.


Things you can do from here:


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