Friday, November 2, 2007

Life and Death

Alice Ghostley *and* Robert Goulet?

I suppose the realization of mortality comes to everyone at a different point in their lives.  To me, for the most part, death has been like a reality show... just far enough removed and absent that I can change the channel if I want and not have remaining consequences.

I have been lucky enough to only have 1 family member die, 1 friend die during my adult years and only a few classmates I knew die when I was younger.  Death hasn't been much of a presence in my life.  But the laws of probability dictate that everyone will naturally encounter the death of someone close to them.

And this morning with some of the people I remember for years on television and movies passing away to the great silver screen in the sky, it makes me stop to take note of my own mortality.  I have often thought in years past that this moment wouldn't come (in this way) until some of the stars that became celebrities in my time passed away.

I pictured... "Breaking News today, on 7/14/2028,  Cher passed away peacefully in her home with her daughter, Chastity, and son, Elijah."  or Mark Wahlberg, Brad Pitt or Britney Spears... all people with whom, in a sense, I grew up.

That celebrity deaths have affected me more than personal ones is a grievable mention, but the truth, especially in light of so few deaths by people with whom I've had close personal relationships.  Christopher Reeve's death affected me incredibly and I still consider him a personal hero.

Take a moment to stop, breathe deeply and count your blessings for what they are.  Today I count you among them, dear reader. 

In my heart and mind, you will always be; in death or life, forever it shall be.

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