Wednesday, December 12, 2007

File Under: Only me.

So I'm sitting at my desk with my headphones on listening to NPR, minding my own business.

I feel a tap on my shoulder, I turn and remove my headphones and smile.  There is a lady that works on my floor there.  She says, "Excuse me, I believe this is my cup" referring to the mug of hot cocoa I just finished, that I took from the sink and washed earlier this morning.  Before I can say anything, she grabs it and says "I kind of have a sentimental attachment to it" and walks away, leaving me dumbfounded.

I'm considering tracking her down and taking a Sharpie to her and saying "since you obviously don't have one, here's a Sharpie to mark your property so that this unfortunate situation doesn't happen again."

Or making a sign with an arrow that says, "Dishes that are of sentimental value that one doesn't want anyone else to use should be placed HERE, to avoid making other employees feel uncomfortable by being confronted when unknowingly using them. "

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