Friday, April 30, 2010

Sorry, we are closed

Friday giggles abound.


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via by hahanu on 4/30/10


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  1. Sorry, We're Closed


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i literally laughed out loud loudly.


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via Nick Holmes... on 4/30/10


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Why Do Some Clocks Use Roman Numeral IIII?

I thought this was interesting. You might not. Meh.


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via mental_floss Blog by Matt Soniak on 4/29/10

Readers Georgia and Gecko are both curious about clocks. Georgia wrote in to ask, "Why is it that some analog clocks with Roman numerals have '4′ as 'IV,' while others use 'IIII'? Has there always been a choice, or is it an overlooked error that's been replicated? This has been driving me crazy for a long time, but I can't figure it out myself."

Unfortunately, this is one of those questions where no one seems to have a definitive answer, and probably no one ever will. What we do have is a handful of competing theories, some with plenty of holes and others that might just be true. You'll just have to pick the one that sounds best to you and roll with it.

• Once upon a time, when Roman numerals were used by the actual Roman Empire, the name of the Romans' supreme deity, Jupiter, was spelled as IVPPITER in Latin. Hesitant to put part of the god's name on a sundial or in accounting books, IIII became the preferred representation of four. Of course, IVPPITER wasn't being worshipped much by the time clocks and watches replaced sundials, but clockmakers may have stuck with IIII just for the sake of tradition.

• In another blow to the Jupiter theory, subtractive notation – where IV, instead of IIII, represents four – didn't become the standard until well after the fall of the Western Roman Empire (and the numerals we use now are an even more modern set). It's likely, then, that IIII was used on sundials (and everywhere else) simply because that was the proper numeral to use at the time, and not for fear of divine retribution.

• Once subtractive notation came onto the scene and a choice was available, to V or not to V became a question every clockmaker had to answer for themselves. Some adopted the newfangled IV because it was the new standard, but others hung on to the traditional IIII.

• IIII might have stuck around because it's easily recognizable as four. IV involves a little math. Yes, it's just one simple subtraction operation, but keep in mind that when subtractive notation really caught on in the Middle Ages, the majority of people weren't literate or numerate. Subtraction was a lot to wrap the head around. On top of that, IV and VI might have been easily confused by the uneducated (likewise with IX and XI, which is why nine was sometimes represented by VIIII).

• Using IIII may have also made work a little easier for certain clock makers. If you're making a clock where the numerals are cut from metal and affixed to the face, using IIII means you'll need twenty I's, four V's, and four X's. That's one mold with a V, five I's, and an X cast four times. With an IV, you'd need seventeen I's, five V's, and four X's, requiring several molds in different configurations.

• King Louis XIV of France supposedly preferred IIII over IV, perhaps for the same vain reasons Jupiter wouldn't want two letters from his name on a sundial, and so ordered his clockmakers to use the former. Some later clockmakers followed the tradition, and others didn't. The problems here are that this story is told in connection with many other monarchs, and IIII was used also in areas where there was no king with an IV in his title to object to the subtractive notation.

• One more reason to use IIII is that it creates more visual symmetry with the VIII opposite it on the clock face than IV does. Using IIII also means that only I is seen the first four hour markings on the, V is only seen in the next four markings, and X is seen only in the last four markings, creating radial symmetry. As we learned last year when pondering why display clocks are often set to 10:10, symmetry goes a long way in the clock world.

More from mental_floss

Why is 10:10 the Default Setting for Clocks & Watches?
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Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Another broken heart in another empty castle; Mario wanted it...


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via Nick Holmes... on 4/28/10

Another broken heart in another empty castle; Mario wanted it all to end. 


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Dog injures nose

Read article, then read comments.  Then laugh.  Lather, rinse, repeat.

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Jersey Ginger says “I like when my mom wears white...

Douche + cliché = Douché (doo-shay)

This is one.


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via Nick Holmes... on 4/26/10

Jersey Ginger says "I like when my mom wears white jeans."


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Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Game Cartridge Soap



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via MAKE Magazine by Adam Flaherty on 4/26/10


It's the ultimate retro-gaming-meets-personal-hygiene mashup. These bars of soap shaped like classic game cartridges from Indiana maker Lesly Karpiuk will certainly increase the nostalgia points of any domicile's lavatory. [via, thepinktoque]

Read more | Permalink | Comments | Read more articles in Gaming | Digg this!


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Monday, April 26, 2010


A niche market, I hope.


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via Nick Holmes... on 4/24/10



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Sunday, April 25, 2010

Video: Patient Kitteh Attacks


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Saturday, April 24, 2010

I wish I came up with this


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via fourfour by Rich on 4/23/10

This montage of people doing things the wrong way on infomercials would be the supercut of your nightmares if you could nightmare right, you incompetent boob.

(Note: I wonder if using a song from a group with a catalog as precious and online-unfriendly as the Beatles' in a YouTube clip is the editor's meta statement on the art of doing it wrong? I expect this to be soon muted, if not deleted entirely. Watch it while you can and appreciate the otherwise brilliance.)

(Via Videogum, BWE, Vulture, etc.)

Update: OK, duh, Everything Is Terrible did this first and without any canned music:

I feel like such an ass for missing this, especially after going on about how much I love EIT. I guess the lesson here is WE'RE ALL DOING IT WRONG. (Thanks, tone_def.)


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via Nick Holmes... on 4/22/10



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Friday, April 23, 2010

Kentucky Teenagers Attempt to Throw Lesbian Classmate Off Cliff

Proud to be a (smart-enough-to-escape) Kentuckian.


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via Blog Out - Just Out Newspaper by Nick Mattos on 4/22/10

This is crazy: Three Kentucky teenagers attempted to kill their lesbian classmate by pushing her off a cliff. The Lexington Herald-Leader reports: Those charged in the alleged attack — who attended Jackson County High School with Williams — are Ashley N. Sams [Pictured right], 18, of Annville; Corrine M. Schwab [pictured left], 18 of Sandgap; and a [...]


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Thursday, April 22, 2010

Video: Kitteh Learns to Fish on the iPad

Exhibit B as to why I need a new kitteh and an iPad.


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