Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Love is When

I totally silently scream-laughed reading the text.


Sent to you by Chris via Google Reader:


via That's Not Art on 4/13/10

Love is When (via icanread)

If you look into someone's eyes and see their heart, you should call an ambulance immediately. Have the person lie down and keep their legs elevated. To be honest, I'm not really sure what else you should do because emergency training doesn't really prepare you for a person's heart being lodged in their skull and it pushing out from behind their eyes. How did the heart get up there? And how is this person still alive?

Needless to say, they're going to be in surgery for a very long time, and the road to recovery will be quite difficult. But if you love them as you claim, you should stick by them through it. Just make sure you keep your options open… if you meet someone attractive, try to start a fling on the side. That way, in case your brain-heart husband eventually dies or becomes too much of a pain to take care of you can easily transition into a new relationship.


Things you can do from here:


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