Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Moon enters Virgo

June 16, 2010: 8:24 pm PDT  As soon as the fog lifts, it's back again, and trying to steer a straight course will be hard for all, so double-check information and go slow to avoid collisions. Misunderstood and/or misstated feelings should be expected, so hurt feelings can be avoided. The ground is soft underfoot, so step cautiously.

Moon Enters Virgo: 10:41 pm PDT If you regularly pick up each stitch, you won't be tripped up over the next few days. If not, watch out for entanglements in small print and minor details that suddenly loom larger if you overlook them. The feeling of a job well done awaits you, but only after you do it. If you're ahead of expectations, you'll have it locked up tight.

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